BI Strategy & Consulting

Your business generates tonnes of data either through systems or processes.

Do you use it to make better business decisions?

AdroitBI there to help you!

  • Data Analysis depends on Data Fidelity

  • Data is the new oil – Are your managing it well?

Use Business Intelligence to your advantage to be one step ahead of your competitor. 

Only 20% of businesses survive in the long run meaning they hit the 10-year mark.

Business landscape is changing everyday. Competition is to its peak like never before.


As a true data management partner, AdroitBI  provides you with the most advanced data processing and database management services. Our expertise in database management and powerful analytical tools enables us to provide advanced data management solutions.

Business Intelligence Strategy is a roadmap that enables businesses to measure their performance and seek out competitive advantages and truly ” listen to their customers” using data mining and statistics.

82% of successful companies have a well thought out BI strategy. 

Business Intelligence

BI strategy design

Challenges: You decided to start a BI project from scratch or you are on the verge of an important change, for example, a merger or an acquisition, but you are not sure what steps you should take.

What we can do:

  • Develop your long-term BI vision.
  • Create clear roadmaps so that your transformation process can run without a hitch.
  • Recommend the technology stack to cover your business needs or help you choose the best match out of several available options.

Most of the companies fail to use BI effectively because of poor implementation.

Business Intelligence

BI Implementation

Challenges: You have a vision of a future BI solution, but are not sure how to bring it to life. Or you have flexibility problems with your current BI solution, which leads to your IT department getting endless requests for custom reports.

What we can do:

  • Develop a data warehouse, design ETL (extract, transform, load) processes and OLAP cubes or create reports and dashboards (all or any element of the listed).
  • Plan your solution’s capacity taking into account projected business growth.
  • Provide mobile BI.
  • Set up self-service BI.
  • Ensure security.

The overriding goal of a BI initiative is to convert your company’s information into structured, analyzable insight – in other words, real business intelligence that can inform strategic decision-making across the company

Business Intelligence

BI Integration

Challenge: Your users have to constantly switch numerous tools to perform different analytical tasks. Sometimes, they even spot mismatches in the reports they get.

What we can do:

  • Analyze the available systems, applications and tools, as well as your business requirements.
  • Recommend how to standardize your BI tools.
  • Integrate analytical and reporting capabilities of the tools to create a single point of truth.

We provide a technical backbone to intelligent decision-making is a single, centralized repository that draws together data on all of your business activities and customer interactions. 

Business Intelligence


Challenge: Your BI system has become out-of-date and doesn’t cope with satisfying your current needs.

What we can do:

  • Provide a health check of the existing solution to reveal the gaps and the areas to improve.
  • Redesign the data warehouse.
  • Redesign or fine-tune ETL.
  • Automate reports.
  • Redesign dashboards so that they are more intuitive and informative.

Your Business Intelligence programme will deliver in-depth analysis to kickstart sales, boost the performance of your marketing function, and – crucially – shake up the way that all teams work together.

Business Intelligence


Challenge: Your BI solution lacks business-critical functionality. For example, a revenue report is tuned for only one of many business directions your company runs.

What we can do:

  • Examine the existing solution and provide a detailed report on the missing functionality and the exact root causes of performance problems.
  • Provide options to cover the gaps (with different scenarios of costs vs. added value analysis).
  • Train the users so that they embrace the new functionality.

Business Intelligence has the potential to release inefficiency bottlenecks, refine existing business processes, automate routine tasks and bring new levels of organization and prioritization to everybody’s work.

Business Intelligence

Data governance & data quality

Challenge: You have to make business decisions relying on the reports that you don’t fully trust. You can’t be sure that your data is complete, up-to-date and error-free.

What we can do:

  • Develop data governance guidance.
  • Set up data quality assurance processes.
  • Test your data warehouse, ETL, reports and dashboards.

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