Capital One says hacker’s violated accounts of 100 million people

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Capital One said that more than 100 million individuals were subjected to sensitive economic information, including their social security and bank account numbers, in a huge information violation that led to the detention of former Seattle worker Paige Thompson, a hacker.

  • Credit card requests presented to the bank in Virginia between 2005 and 2019 were used for this. They include names, addresses, postal / zip codes, telephone numbers, email addresses, birth dates, and authenticated revenue.
  • Capital One also indicated that there were affected 140,000 Social Security accounts and 80,000 connected bank accounts and fragments of transaction information from a total of 23 days during 2016, 2017 and 2018.
  • There have been no exposures to credit card numbers or login credentials.
  • Capital One will be notified to persons whose data has been compromised in the violation.

According to court papers, federal officials detained a Seattle female named Paige Thompson for having hacked Capital One cloud servers. Investigators claim that Thompson earlier worked with cloud computers whose servers were infringed but the firm was not named.

She worked for Amazon, which is the famous cloud company Amazon Web Services from 2015 to 2016, and her linkedin profile shows Thompsons resume, which is still online.

The court papers state that Thompson used the internet pseudonym “errastic” to talk about the files she had reached in a Slack band and in a direct email on Twitter.

“Ive basically strapped myself with a bomb vest, f*cking dropping capital ones dox and admitting it. I wanna distribute those buckets I think first. There are ssns… with full names and dob,”Thompson reads a direct Twitter message. The court papers contained a screenshot of the message.

Thompson supposedly published the hack data on its Github profile that had a connection to its summary that brought the FBI to it. Github is a web-based service that users can upload and store the code.

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